On behalf of IPSC Ecuador I would like to extend you our warmest invitation to the Latin American Handgun Championship to take place in Guayaquil from July 11 to July 13, 2013.
The LAHC is a Level lV Continental Championship consisting of 24 stages plus Chrono and will require an approximate of 400 plus rounds to complete.
We will be using the facilities and range of the leading practical shooting organization of Ecuador, Club Guayas de Tiro y Aviacion. All divisions will compete and rewarded as per IPSC current rules: Open, Standard, Classic Production and Revolver Standard.
For those of you who had the chance of joining us in 2005 for World Shoot XlV this will be the opportunity of returning to our beautiful city. For the newcomers, be ready to enjoy the warmth and hospitality of this wonderful country. International matches are a great experience not only to challenge your shooting skills with world class shooters, but also to enjoy an overwhelming and friendly sporting atmosphere, and most important, to renew old acquaintances and meet new friends.
To download a PDF copy of the invitation please clic the following link 2013 LAHC Invitation Letter
Victor Ferrero P.
Regional Director IPSC
FONTE: http://www.ipscmatches.org/lahc2013/invitation/
Prezados Atletas:
Por favor preencher formulario online abaixo para a sua inscrição para o Campeonato Latino Americano de IPSC 2013, na cidade de Guayaquil, Equador, do dia 12 à 14 de julho de 2013. Por favor preencher com as informações obrigatoria e aqueles sobre vôos e demais poderam deixar em branco.
Abaixo segue a carta convite do Director Regional do Equador com informações sobre o Latino Americano 2013.
Marcelo Mayrink
Assessor Tecnico – Competições e Equipes Internacional
Alex Chang – DVC
Regional Director – IPSC BRAZIL