Data: 07/04/2018 a 08/04/2018
Invitation to GGRA
IPSC Grenada National Handgun Championship 2018
The IPSC Grenada – Grenada Gun and Rifle Association has organized the annual IPSC National Handgun Championship at the GGRA Range in Petite Etang on April 7-8, 2018.
The GGRA extends an invitation to your Association to participate in the competition.
Please see the registration form → Registration Form – GGRA National 2018_1
With very best wishes
Duane Noel
President -Grenada Gun and Rifle Association
Regional Director – IPSC Grenada
Tel# 473 407 1137
The IPSC Grenada – Grenada Gun and Rifle Association has organized the annual IPSC National Handgun Championship at the GGRA Range in Petite Etang on April 7-8, 2018.
The GGRA extends an invitation to your Association to participate in the competition.
The competition will involve members (Teams) from IPSC GRENADA, Royal Grenada Police Force and other regional Sporting Club participating in Practical Shooting (IPSC LEVEL II) disciplines. The rules and scoring will be done using IPSC guidelines.
IPSC Grenada is relatively new to the IPSC family and continues to grow each year with the support from many of our IPSC friends throughout the region. Our IPSC membership is growing and the skill set of our members have improved significantly. We are now preparing teams to attend the major shoots throughout the region namely the PAN American Handgun Championship in Jamaica and the Caribbean Cup in Barbados.
The GGRA is seeking your support in being part of this annual championship as this will assist us to provide a strong message in our efforts to develop this Sport here in Grenada.
With very best wishes
Duane Noel
President -Grenada Gun and Rifle Association
Regional Director – IPSC Grenada
Tel# 473 407 1137